Lukewarm water with lemon in the morning have to drink before meals , because in this way will encourage metabolism .
Lukewarm water with lemon serves as a wonderful breakfast drinks since it helps the digestive system and makes easier the process of eliminating toxins ( waste ) from the body .
Honey helps to maintain constant blood sugar , lowers cholesterol , fortification metabolism.
When combined honey and lemon juice , create an element that is very good for cleaning the body and weight loss .

The benefits of honey :
-Improves digestionIt rejuvenates body
-Heal wounds
-Improves intelligence
-Good for viewing
-It cures many diseases

The benefits of lime :
-It is a powerful substance for weight loss
-It is antiseptic
-Purifies the liver
-This helps the skin to be bright
-It reduces swelling of the abdomen
-Slows the development of bacteria
Note - It is worth to try this drink without cost and profitable for your body .
Lukewarm water with lemon serves as a wonderful breakfast drinks since it helps the digestive system and makes easier the process of eliminating toxins ( waste ) from the body .
Honey helps to maintain constant blood sugar , lowers cholesterol , fortification metabolism.
When combined honey and lemon juice , create an element that is very good for cleaning the body and weight loss .
The benefits of honey :
-Improves digestionIt rejuvenates body
-Heal wounds
-Improves intelligence
-Good for viewing
-It cures many diseases
-It is a powerful substance for weight loss
-It is antiseptic
-Purifies the liver
-This helps the skin to be bright
-It reduces swelling of the abdomen
-Slows the development of bacteria
To weakened :
The first thing when you wake up in the morning , fill a glass of lukewarm water and add a spoonful of honey and half a grain of lemon juice .Get this composition and Drink every morning sober .This medicine is is safer in terms of health , rather than different pills for weight loss .Note - It is worth to try this drink without cost and profitable for your body .