Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts
Irina Shayk Running Workout

Irina Shayk Workout Routine

The ‘Feel Good’ Factor
The super model prefers not to be skinny. She spends time in the gym because it makes her feel good and gives a well toned figure.
She believes that while one can inherit good body but it is very much important to take care of it. She is as tough as steel, she says, and is not weary of pushing herself working out five times a week. According to her, laziness should be avoided to keep that taut shape.
Striking the Right Balance
Irina stands for the principle that our workout pattern should match our diet. She believes in eating what she likes and sweating out in the gym. This saves her from sudden food cravings.

No to Muscle Building Exercises
Shayk avoids exercises, which make the body muscular. She avoids heavy workouts like exercising with weights above 5 pounds, kettle ball, lunges and jumps.

Daily Exercises
Irina jogs for 15 minutes in the beginning. This warms her up for exercising.
This is followed by cardio sessions for more than one hour with interval of thirty minutes.

Irina Shayk Diet Plan
  • Irina consumes plenty of water to keep her skin and hair in great condition. She has to spend long hours, shooting on the sea beaches. Adequate water intake prevents her skin from drying up.
  • Irina does not believe in dieting. Occasionally she likes to pamper herself with ice creams and cakes. She also likes to take a day off, lying on the bed, watching T.V. and enjoying Pizza. Eating restaurant food is although, a ‘no’ for her. When at home, she visits the local Russian market to get some stuff for cooking. Her favorite meal is pelmeni (dumplings consisting of a filling wrapped in thin, unleavened dough). She ensures that she never overeats. Eating healthy is the key according to her.
  • On other days she consumes whole fruits and vegetables. Breads high in fiber, skimmed milk, tofu, clear soups form her general diet.
  • She also takes citrus juices, which she says are a great source of vitamin C and help her maintain beautiful skin.

You feel that you have added a few pounds in the belly , but still can not go to the gym or start jogging ?
Do not discourage , because there are some solutions to help you . If you want a meal that helps in the process of losing kilos , we suggest you try this drink with banana and almond milk . It is easy to prepare and delicious .


  • 500 ml almond milk
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 2 large tablespoons of peanut butter
  • 2 large tablespoons of yogurt ( yogurt or natural )
  • 2 tablespoons honey


Put all these products in the mixer .  Measure that will be created throw in a glass and enjoy !


Keep a food regime with less fat and less saturated fats . There are two ways of food fats affect the development of cancer.First, tumor cells need low density lipo proteins to develop ( LDL cholesterol is bad! ) . Thus , a diet that lowers the LDL reduction also affects the growth of cancerous cells . Consumption of fat also increases the production of liquid solvent liver .If the majority is produced , the juice stays longer in the large intestine and turn to alcohol acid , a proven carcinogen .
Here are tips on how to eat less fat and proper:
Consume enough fats Not more than 20 % of daily calories should come from fats . This means that if nevojiteni 2500 calories a day , the amount of fat should not be more than 55gr .

Eat the right fats
Consumption of fats wrong is much worse than excessive consumption of fats . Scientific research highlighted this fact when they noticed that some populations with a diet rich in fat it as Eskimos and the Mediterranean have less cancer spread . 
Some types of fat not only have no negative impact but it appears that help to fight:
Unsaturated fats found in plant foods such as seeds , vegetables and beans
Olive oil , Lin , grape seeds , hemp seeds , walnuts and avocado ( the pressed in cold ) . Lliri oil has protective effect against breast cancer and pumpkin -seed oil has a positive effect in the prevention of prostate cancer in men .

Warning: these oils are not at all suitable for cooking !

The fish oil as sardelve , salmon , tuna . Even high quality supplements with omega 3 fats are an especially preventive alternative for colon cancer .

Do not consume harmful fats :
Avoid hydrogenated fats such as vegetable butter . Avoid refined fats such as vegetable seed oils , soy , palm , they are potentially carcinogenic ! Check the label of foods available , whether written " vegetable fats " ( vegetable oils ) , do not use ! These fats help increase the shelf life of the food .

Less fat , less cancer
Consume enough fats Not more than 20 % of daily calories should come from fats . This means that if nevojiteni 2500 calories a day , the amount of fat should not be more than 55gr .Consume enough fatsThe excess fat in the body is one of the main reasons the Brijuni cancer , especially the colon . Obesity is also because of breast cancer and prostate cancer .

Two ways to be free of excess fat are : food healthy diets and physical activity .

2-Increase consumption of plant fibers

Diets rich in fiber is especially useful for people who have the genetic predisposition to colon cancer . Fibers have some positive effects : they are processed by bacterial flora and produce protective substances , they climb itself cancerous substances and divert through stool leaving no longer in contact with the cells intestinal , they reduce the toxicity of the fluid of the liver as well as lower concentrations estrogen in the range of the digestive tract .
Good sources of fiber :

-Chickpeas , black beans
-Husk of grain, oat
-Fruits and vegetables

3-Replace meat with fish

Colon cancer is extremely common in people who consume red meat . It noted the type of meat consumed is he elaborated as salami and ham . The opposite happens with people who consume fish . The latter have a visible security assistance against colon cancer .

4-Switch from animal diets in that plant

What has changed in the diet of mankind is significantly greater consumption of animal products . This may be linked to the increasing occurrence of cancer in recent decades .

5-Eat more beans

6-Eat foods rich in calcium

Studies show that populations consuming sufficient calcium as Sweden , have fewer cases of colon cancer . Calcium controls cell growth mucous bowel epteliale . When these cells grow at great speed they can be converted into malignant cells ! Calcium is also linked to cancer acids that are produced by the liver and digestive fluid permits them not to cause irritation in the cells of the colon walls . Making enough considered 1200mg / day .

7-A diet rich in antioxidants to fight cancer

There are many claims about the effects of antioxidants against cancer but , to prove they are a combination of vitamin C , E and beta carotene . Fruits and vegetables are the best source of these antioxidants.
Their effect consists in :
Protection of intestinal cells .
To neutralize free radicals that induce cell disorders and DNA
Prevent metabolic deformities that predispose a cell to become cancerous .

8-Meet the seed Lin

Lin seeds contain two potent ingredients , omega 3 fatty acids and fiber , " Lignans " . Both reduce the risk of colon cancer breast cancer he trashed . From this aspect , the seeds are preferable to abandon oil .

9-Drink less alcohol

Alcohol increases the risk of cancer easily colon he trashed related type is more beers ! It contains nitrozamina , a carcinogen that is activated in the intestine. Even tannins contained , wine, coffee and tea promoter constitute a kind of negative , so wine lovers should make carefully if risk of colon cancer , it is best to eat only red grapes .

10-Anti - cancer fruit

-wild blueberries
-Citron ( red )
-Strawberries (preferably organic )
-Eat the right fatsEat more beans
Dieting like a demon and exercising like hell but still can't shift the excess bulk? 
Here's why.

1. You don’t eat cake or other treats
Paradoxically, having a list of forbidden foods can lead to binge eating, say experts.
Solution: Allow all foods but eat just small amounts of treats.

2. You're stressed
Stress encourages excess cortisol production, which communicates to the body’s cells that there’s a scarcity of food. The body responds by laying down fat, slowing down metabolism and prompting you to eat more.
Solution: Practise yoga or meditation and take regular “sanity” breaks.

3. Your stomach’s stretched
Make a fist. That’s the size your empty stomach should be. Now consider how much food gets crammed into it every mealtime. Dr Libby Weaver, author of Accidentally Overweight? (Allen & Unwin),says once your stomach’s used to being a certain size, it’s primed to be that way every day. So when you eat less, your gut signals that you’re still hungry.
Solution: Reduce food portions. It’ll take about four days for your stomach to shrink back.

4. You’re drinking too much coffee
Caffeine stimulates the production of adrenalin which can elevate blood sugars. If you’re sitting around, those unused blood sugars can end up stored as body fat.
Solution: Switch to green tea, says Weaver.

5. You’re eating five small meals a day like the diet book told you to
Although the theory is that it stokes up your metabolism, there’s evidence this doesn’t work. When put to the test by researchers at Australia’s Newcastle University, the plan didn’t pan out at all for weight loss.
Solution: Eat only when you’re hungry. Chowing down when you don’t feel like it is an insidious diet wrecker.

6. You eat the same old, same old

We require at least 30 different types of food each week to get all the nutrients we need, according to Associate Professor Amanda Sainsbury-Salis, weight loss researcher at Sydney’s Garvan Institute. If your diet is deficient in just one nutrient, your body will push you to eat until you meet that need, she adds.
Solution: Find a new recipe book and ensure you get a good mix of proteins, vegetables, fruit, wholegrains and legumes.


7. You stick to your diet no matter what
If you go on a diet and lose, say, five kilos, it’s likely you’ll suddenly find yourself ravenously hungry. That’s because the hypothalamus in the brain is reacting to food shortage. It responds by turning you into a fat-storage machine, making you too lethargic to exercise and slowing down your metabolism. The harder you stick to your diet, the harder it is to lose weight.
Solution: People who lose weight in increments (seven-week bursts of diet and exercise interspersed with breaks of up to six weeks during which they eat larger but nutritious meals) lose as many kilos after four months as those who follow their regimen continuously, Sainsbury-Salis says. Lowering your weight bit by bit allows the body to adjust so you lose the kilos and keep them off permanently.

8. Junk foods have affected your brain
Fatty, high-energy, low-nutrient foods change the brain in ways similar to those seen in drug addicts. If you think you need a chocolate fix to feel normal, that’s why, says Sainsbury-Salis.
Solution: Eat nutritionally – you’ll soon stop craving the bad stuff.

9. You’ve just moved in with your partner
This is a danger point for women. They start eating meals that don’t allow for varying content such as pizzas or curries and have the same size portions as their pie-eating partner.
Solution: Put different dishes on the table so people can naturally select the macronutrient and kilojoule content they need. Make sure there are always plenty of salads and vegetables to choose from. Women may also find it helps to eat from a smaller-sized plate, and science backs this.

10. You don’t fidget enough
Researchers have found that extreme fidgeters can burn around 380 calories more per day than couch potatoes – that’s the equivalent of a six-kilometre jog, Turner says.
Solution: Get up from your desk, pace around, jiggle, and walk over to talk to people in the office instead of emailing.

11. You need more fat
Eat carbohydrates and it takes around 20 minutes for the stomach to signal we’ve eaten – by which time we might have consumed too much. Eat fat and protein and the satiety centre of the brain starts receiving signals within five minutes so you’ll feel full quickly, says Weaver.
Solution: Put oily dressings on that salad and eat plenty of lean meats, fish, eggs or tofu.

12. It’s in your genes
Blame your parents: scientists have found that people with certain variations of the “fat mass and obesity-associated gene” have a larger appetite and are significantly heavier than those without.
Solution: Exercise and eat wholesome foods as both lessen the influence of those genes.

13. You’re doing one-speed workouts
Studies from both the University of Guelph in Canada and the University of NSW are among many that have found that injecting bursts of speed into your run or cycle will burn more fat than doing the same distance at one moderate pace.
Solution: Add some intervals to your running route. For example, sprint between lampposts or traffic lights.

14. You’re taking prescription drugs

Some prescription drugs cause weight gain due to their effect on mood, appetite and metabolism. These include many of the new generation of antidepressants, corticosteroids and even some blood pressure medications, according to Professor Garry Egger, co-author of the book Planet Obesity (Allen & Unwin) and a consultant on obesity for the World Health Organisation.
Solution: Check with your doctor if you’re concerned, or simply ask about alternatives to the medication.

15.You’re not lifting weights
Do this to boost fat burning and build muscle, exercise physiologist Joanne Turner says. Every kilo of extra muscle you develop will burn an extra kilo’s worth of fat per year.
Solution: Get a set of dumbbells or resistance bands, pick a weight that has you struggling after eight repetitions and squat, lunge, press-up and pull-up.

16. You’re reading too many magazines
They’re full of celebrities and models with no hips or bottom and promote diets that tell you you need to look like that too, Egger says. Many women become psychologically distressed when they put pressure on themselves to achieve that shape and give up trying when they can’t.
Solution: Go to an art gallery and look at some medieval portraits. That’s the shape healthy women should be – pear-shaped or hourglass shaped.


17. You’re not eating enough calcium
Calcium has been found to spur weight loss, according to Melanie McGrice, chairperson of the Dietitian Association of Australia Obesity Interest Group. Eating sufficient amounts appears to stifle the desire to eat more while not eating enough seems to spur food intake.
Solution: Include three serves of low-fat dairy products or fortified food such as soy milk in your daily diet.

18. You’re making moral judgements
Food isn’t good or bad, junk or rubbish, and people shouldn’t feel bad about food it’s normal to eat occasionally, according to Dr Rick Kausman, author of If Not Dieting, Then What? (Allen & Unwin) and an AMA spokesperson on weight management and eating behaviour. If you label food, you’re often labelling yourself – you’re not a bad person if you eat chocolate any more than you’re good if you eat an apple, Kausman says.
Solution: Classify food as “everyday” or “sometimes” food. It’s fine to have cake or chocolate sometimes, just not every day.

19.You wear high heels
Research shows that 60 to 90 minutes of moderate physical activity a day (such as walking) will maintain weight loss. Wearing high heels may deter you from getting up and walking around.
Solution: Go like Carla Bruni – invest in ballet flats or just pack a pair of trainers to make walking easier.

20. You eat on the run
If you leave decisions about what to eat until the last minute, you risk going with whatever’s available.
Solution: Before leaving home in the morning, prepare a range of healthy foods that you enjoy and take them with you.

Lukewarm water with lemon in the morning have to drink before meals , because in this way will encourage metabolism .
Lukewarm water with lemon serves as a wonderful breakfast drinks since it helps the digestive system and makes easier the process of eliminating toxins ( waste ) from the body .
Honey helps to maintain constant blood sugar , lowers cholesterol , fortification metabolism.
When combined honey and lemon juice , create an element that is very good for cleaning the body and weight loss .

The benefits of honey :

-Improves digestionIt rejuvenates body
-Heal wounds
-Improves intelligence
-Good for viewing
-It cures many diseases

The benefits of lime :

-It is a powerful substance for weight loss
-It is antiseptic
-Purifies the liver
-This helps the skin to be bright
-It reduces swelling of the abdomen
-Slows the development of bacteria

To weakened :

The first thing when you wake up in the morning , fill a glass of lukewarm water and add a spoonful of honey and half a grain of lemon juice .Get this composition and Drink every morning sober .This medicine is is safer in terms of health , rather than different pills for weight loss .

Note - It is worth to try this drink without cost and profitable for your body .
Full Diet Plan for your everyday meal plan. Follow & Save your Life.
Day 1

• 2 scrambled egg whites
• ½ grapefruit, or other fresh fruit
• 1 cup of green tea
• Large green salad topped with tuna; drizzle with 1 tablespoon of olive or flaxseed oil and 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
• 1 cup green tea

• Plenty of grilled chicken with liberal amounts of any vegetables from the list, steamed or raw
• 1 cup green tea
• 6 oz. of sugar-free plain yogurt mixed with 1 to 2 tablespoons sugar-free jam or other probiotic serving
• 1 serving of fruit from the list

Day 2
• 6 oz. plain low-fat yogurt, mixed with 1 cup berries or other fruit (chopped) on the list. You may sweeten the mixture with 1 packet of Truvia or sugar-free fruit jam
• 1 cup green tea
• Super Salad (large salad with a generous bed of greens and salad vegetables of your choice—tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, celery, etc., drizzled with 1 tablespoon of olive oil or flaxseed oil and 2 tablespoons herbed vinegar or vinegar of your choice)
• 1 cup green tea
• Plenty of grilled or baked salmon with liberal amounts of any vegetables from the list, steamed or raw
• 1 cup green tea
• 6 oz. sugar-free fruit-flavored yogurt or 1 cup plain low-fat yogurt, sweetened with Truvia or a tablespoon of sugar-free fruit jam
• 1 serving of fruit

Day 3
• 2 hard-boiled or poached eggs
• ½ grapefruit or other fresh fruit in season
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 large bowl of Chicken-Vegetable Soup
• 1 cup green tea
• Plenty of roasted turkey breast or turkey tenderloin, steamed carrots and steamed asparagus
• 1 cup green tea
• 6 oz. plain low-fat yogurt, sweetened with Truvia or a tablespoon of sugar-free fruit jam
• Kefir Smoothie: Mix one cup of kefir with 1 cup of frozen unsweetened berries, sugar-free fruit jam, and 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil. Blend until smooth

Day 4
• Kefir Smoothie
• 1 cup green tea
• Marinated Vegetable Salad or Super Salad
• 6 oz. plain low-fat yogurt with a sliced fresh peach, or other fruit in season, for dessert
• 1 cup green tea
• Eggplant Parmesan
• Alternative dinner: Any of the lean proteins with plenty of cooked cleansing vegetables from the list
• 1 cup green tea

Day 5
• 2 scrambled egg whites
• ½ grapefruit or other fresh fruit in season
• 1 cup green tea
• Salad of baby spinach leaves, grape tomatoes, and crumbled lowfat feta or blue cheese; drizzle with 1 tablespoon of olive or flaxseed oil and 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
• 1 cup green tea
• Ground turkey patties, with side salad drizzled with 1 tablespoon of olive or flaxseed oil and 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 cup of fresh berries
• 6 oz. plain low-fat yogurt, sweetened with Truvia or a tablespoon of sugar-free fruit jam

Day 6
• 6 oz. plain low-fat yogurt, mixed with 1 cup berries or other fruit (chopped) on the list. You may sweeten the mixture with 1 packet of Truvia or a tablespoon of sugarfree fruit jam.
• 1 cup green tea
• Lettuce Wraps or grilled chicken breast with tossed salad drizzled
with 1 tablespoon of olive or flaxseed oil and 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
• 1 cup green tea
• Sesame Fish, or any grilled or baked fish
• Steamed cleansing vegetables
• 1 cup green tea
• 2nd fruit serving of your choice
• 2nd probiotic serving of your choice

Day 7
• 2 scrambled eggs, 4 scrambled egg whites or 1 scrambled egg plus 2 scrambled egg whites. Top with salsa (optional)
• 1 apple or 1 cup fresh berries
• 1 cup green tea
• Taco Salad
• 1 cup green tea
• A stir-fry of vegetables (broccoli, onions, julienne carrots, red pepper, etc.), and chicken strips with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Season with
a little garlic, ginger, and lite soy sauce.
• 1 cup green tea
• 2nd fruit serving plus 1 probiotic serving of your choice
• 2nd probiotic serving of your choice

Day 8 
• 6 oz. plain low-fat yogurt, mixed with 1 cup berries or other fruit (chopped) on the list. You may sweeten the mixture with 1 packet of Truvia or a tablespoon of sugarfree fruit jam.
• 1 cup green tea
• Salmon salad: 2 cups of salad vegetables (lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, etc.), baked or canned salmon, drizzled with 1 tablespoon olive or flaxseed oil, mixed with 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar and seasonings.
• 1 cup green tea
• Turkey burgers (made with lean ground turkey)
• Steamed vegetables (choose from list of cleansing vegetables)
• Side salad drizzled with 1 tablespoon olive or flaxseed oil, mixed
with 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar and seasonings
• 1 cup green tea
• 2nd fruit serving
• 2nd probiotic serving

Day 9
• Greek Egg Scramble
• 1 fresh orange
• 1 cup green tea
• Salad Nicoise
• 1 cup green tea
• Grilled chicken breast (marinate in fat-free Italian dressing, then broil or grill)
• Steamed vegetables (choose from list of cleansing vegetables)
• 1 cup green tea
• Kefir Smoothie
• 2nd probiotic serving

Day 10
½ cup Breakstone LiveActive cottage cheese
1 medium pear, sliced
1 cup green tea
Balsamic Artichoke (use nonfat salad dressing as a dipping sauce)1 medium apple
1 cup green tea
 • Oven Barbecued Chicken Breast
• Side salad drizzled with 1 tablespoon olive or flaxseed oil, mixed
with 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar and seasonings
• 1 cup green tea
• 2nd probiotic serving
• Raw, cut-up veggies

Day 11
• Yogurt Smoothie: ½ cup acidophilus milk, ½ carton sugar-free fruit-flavored yogurt, and 1 cup berries (mix together in a blender)
• 1 cup green tea
• Super Salad
• 1 cup green tea
• Turkey Chili
• Side salad drizzled with 1 tablespoon olive or flaxseed oil, mixed with 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar and seasonings
• 1 cup green tea
• 2 probiotic servings

Day 12
• 2 hard-boiled or poached eggs
• ½ grapefruit or other fresh fruit in season
• 1 cup green tea
• Baked or grilled chicken breast
• Tomatoes—sliced or stewed
• 1 medium orange
• 1 cup green tea
• Baked or grilled fish, any kind from the list
• Cleansing vegetables, as many from the list as you wish
• 1 cup green tea
• Kefir Smoothie: Mix one cup of kefir with 1 cup of frozen unsweetened berries, sugar-free fruit jam, and 1 tablespoon flaxseed oil. Blend until smooth.
• 2nd probiotic food

Day 13
• Kefir Smoothie
• 1 cup green tea
• Tuna tossed with 1 tablespoon olive oil and a tablespoon of vinegar, served over a generous bed of lettuce
• 1 cup green tea
• Plenty of roast turkey or chicken
• Tomato and onion salad, tossed with fat-free salad dressing
• 1 cup green tea
• 2nd fruit serving
• 2nd probiotic serving

Day 14
• 2 scrambled eggs, 4 scrambled egg whites, or 1 scrambled egg plus 2 scrambled egg whites. Top with salsa (optional)
• 1 apple or 1 cup fresh berries
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 large bowl of Chicken-Vegetable Soup
• 1 cup green tea
• Plenty of grilled chicken or fish
• Generous portion of mixed steamed vegetables
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 medium pear or other fruit in season
• 2nd probiotic serving of your choice
Day 15
• ½ cup Breakstone LiveActive cottage cheese
• 1 medium pear, sliced
• 1 cup green tea
• Eggplant Parmesan
• 1 cup green tea
• Plenty of broiled lean ground turkey
• Marinated Vegetable Salad
• 1 cup green tea
• 2nd fruit serving of your choice
• 2nd probiotic serving of your choice

Day 16
• Spanish Omelet
• ½ grapefruit or 1 medium orange
• 1 cup green tea
• Spicy Yogurt Dip and Veggies
• 1 cup green tea
• Plenty of roasted turkey breast or turkey tenderloin, steamed carrots and steamed asparagus
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 piece fresh fruit
• 6 oz. carton yogurt

Day 17
• Smoothie: 1 cup acidophilus milk and 1 cup berries (mix together in a blender)
• 1 cup green tea
• Super Salad
• 1 cup green tea
• Steamed flounder or sole with lemon pepper
• Steamed broccoli
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 medium apple or other fruit in season
• 2nd probiotic serving of your choice