Keep a food regime with less fat and less saturated fats . There are two ways of food fats affect the development of cancer.First, tumor cells need low density lipo proteins to develop ( LDL cholesterol is bad! ) . Thus , a diet that lowers the LDL reduction also affects the growth of cancerous cells . Consumption of fat also increases the production of liquid solvent liver .If the majority is produced , the juice stays longer in the large intestine and turn to alcohol acid , a proven carcinogen .
Here are tips on how to eat less fat and proper:
Consume enough fats Not more than 20 % of daily calories should come from fats . This means that if nevojiteni 2500 calories a day , the amount of fat should not be more than 55gr .
Eat the right fats
Consumption of fats wrong is much worse than excessive consumption of fats . Scientific research highlighted this fact when they noticed that some populations with a diet rich in fat it as Eskimos and the Mediterranean have less cancer spread .
Consume enough fats Not more than 20 % of daily calories should come from fats . This means that if nevojiteni 2500 calories a day , the amount of fat should not be more than 55gr .
Eat the right fats
Consumption of fats wrong is much worse than excessive consumption of fats . Scientific research highlighted this fact when they noticed that some populations with a diet rich in fat it as Eskimos and the Mediterranean have less cancer spread .
Some types of fat not only have no negative impact but it appears that help to fight:
Unsaturated fats found in plant foods such as seeds , vegetables and beans
Olive oil , Lin , grape seeds , hemp seeds , walnuts and avocado ( the pressed in cold ) . Lliri oil has protective effect against breast cancer and pumpkin -seed oil has a positive effect in the prevention of prostate cancer in men .
Warning: these oils are not at all suitable for cooking !
The fish oil as sardelve , salmon , tuna . Even high quality supplements with omega 3 fats are an especially preventive alternative for colon cancer .
Do not consume harmful fats :
Avoid hydrogenated fats such as vegetable butter . Avoid refined fats such as vegetable seed oils , soy , palm , they are potentially carcinogenic ! Check the label of foods available , whether written " vegetable fats " ( vegetable oils ) , do not use ! These fats help increase the shelf life of the food .
Less fat , less cancer
Consume enough fats Not more than 20 % of daily calories should come from fats . This means that if nevojiteni 2500 calories a day , the amount of fat should not be more than 55gr .Consume enough fatsThe excess fat in the body is one of the main reasons the Brijuni cancer , especially the colon . Obesity is also because of breast cancer and prostate cancer .
Two ways to be free of excess fat are : food healthy diets and physical activity .
Good sources of fiber :
-Chickpeas , black beans
-Husk of grain, oat
-Fruits and vegetables
Their effect consists in :
Protection of intestinal cells .
To neutralize free radicals that induce cell disorders and DNA
Prevent metabolic deformities that predispose a cell to become cancerous .
-wild blueberries
-Citron ( red )
-Strawberries (preferably organic )
-Eat the right fatsEat more beans
Unsaturated fats found in plant foods such as seeds , vegetables and beans
Olive oil , Lin , grape seeds , hemp seeds , walnuts and avocado ( the pressed in cold ) . Lliri oil has protective effect against breast cancer and pumpkin -seed oil has a positive effect in the prevention of prostate cancer in men .
Warning: these oils are not at all suitable for cooking !
The fish oil as sardelve , salmon , tuna . Even high quality supplements with omega 3 fats are an especially preventive alternative for colon cancer .
Do not consume harmful fats :
Avoid hydrogenated fats such as vegetable butter . Avoid refined fats such as vegetable seed oils , soy , palm , they are potentially carcinogenic ! Check the label of foods available , whether written " vegetable fats " ( vegetable oils ) , do not use ! These fats help increase the shelf life of the food .
Less fat , less cancer
Consume enough fats Not more than 20 % of daily calories should come from fats . This means that if nevojiteni 2500 calories a day , the amount of fat should not be more than 55gr .Consume enough fatsThe excess fat in the body is one of the main reasons the Brijuni cancer , especially the colon . Obesity is also because of breast cancer and prostate cancer .
Two ways to be free of excess fat are : food healthy diets and physical activity .
2-Increase consumption of plant fibers
Diets rich in fiber is especially useful for people who have the genetic predisposition to colon cancer . Fibers have some positive effects : they are processed by bacterial flora and produce protective substances , they climb itself cancerous substances and divert through stool leaving no longer in contact with the cells intestinal , they reduce the toxicity of the fluid of the liver as well as lower concentrations estrogen in the range of the digestive tract .Good sources of fiber :
-Chickpeas , black beans
-Husk of grain, oat
-Fruits and vegetables
3-Replace meat with fish
Colon cancer is extremely common in people who consume red meat . It noted the type of meat consumed is he elaborated as salami and ham . The opposite happens with people who consume fish . The latter have a visible security assistance against colon cancer .4-Switch from animal diets in that plant
What has changed in the diet of mankind is significantly greater consumption of animal products . This may be linked to the increasing occurrence of cancer in recent decades .5-Eat more beans
6-Eat foods rich in calcium
Studies show that populations consuming sufficient calcium as Sweden , have fewer cases of colon cancer . Calcium controls cell growth mucous bowel epteliale . When these cells grow at great speed they can be converted into malignant cells ! Calcium is also linked to cancer acids that are produced by the liver and digestive fluid permits them not to cause irritation in the cells of the colon walls . Making enough considered 1200mg / day .7-A diet rich in antioxidants to fight cancer
There are many claims about the effects of antioxidants against cancer but , to prove they are a combination of vitamin C , E and beta carotene . Fruits and vegetables are the best source of these antioxidants.Their effect consists in :
Protection of intestinal cells .
To neutralize free radicals that induce cell disorders and DNA
Prevent metabolic deformities that predispose a cell to become cancerous .
8-Meet the seed Lin
Lin seeds contain two potent ingredients , omega 3 fatty acids and fiber , " Lignans " . Both reduce the risk of colon cancer breast cancer he trashed . From this aspect , the seeds are preferable to abandon oil .9-Drink less alcohol
Alcohol increases the risk of cancer easily colon he trashed related type is more beers ! It contains nitrozamina , a carcinogen that is activated in the intestine. Even tannins contained , wine, coffee and tea promoter constitute a kind of negative , so wine lovers should make carefully if risk of colon cancer , it is best to eat only red grapes .10-Anti - cancer fruit
-Apricots-wild blueberries
-Citron ( red )
-Strawberries (preferably organic )
-Eat the right fatsEat more beans